Enough is enough…..


I can pretty much sum up my mood with song lyrics on any given day, but I was not expecting the 1979 Summer/Streisand duet to come flooding into my head this morning when I stepped on the scale.  I was hoping to be singing Halleluiah , but it just wasn’t in the cards.  So today I will live with Donna and Barbra singing No More Tears (Enough is Enough) in my head.  I deserve it.

Once again I am back up over 190 pounds.  192.5 to be exact.  I should not be surprised.  I was sick all of last week and spent the weekend traveling to and from my sister’s.  I never do well in the car.  I love going back home to eastern PA and remembering my childhood so fondly.  Unfortunately, I love the food of my childhood a bit too fondly.  There was no Shoo Fly Pie this trip, but we did stop at Tom Sturgis pretzel bakery, Tack’s Sandwich Shop and Little Anthony’s Pizza.  That’s quite a lot of food to pack into 48 hours.

I’ve been losing/gaining the same 3 pounds for far too long, so enough is enough.  I am going to start tracking my progress each week again.  I have to be accountable to someone other than myself.  Clearly I am not hard enough on myself.  LOL  I have to weigh in on Monday or I won’t stay on track over the weekend.  So here it goes.

Starting Weight April 2009:   230 lbs
Current Weight:  192.5 lbs
Total Weight Lost:  37.5 lbs 

Current Body Fat %:  33%

Enough is Enough Week 1 goals:
1.  Lose 2 pounds
2.  strength train Tues & Thurs
3.  Yoga Wednesday
4.  330 minutes of cardio this week

What are your goals this week?


  1. Mary said,

    October 25, 2010 at 1:08 pm

    Where in Eastern PA are you from? I went to East Stroudsburg University and my sister lives in Hawley, PA.

    As far as losing/gaining the same 3lbs, I think its time to shake up your exercise routine — add something new. Instead of walking, add a minute or two of running to every ten minutes or try a new machine/DVD routine. Add some light weights. I haven’t been reading long enough to know your routine but shaking it up generally re-starts weight loss. Also, I live by the 90/10 rule — 90% of the time I eat healthfully but 10% of the time I don’t! I TRY to save that 10% for weekends or events I know that I have coming up. But sometimes, a rainy Wednesday will set me on a food tear. Best of luck! Mary

    • October 26, 2010 at 3:59 pm

      Hi Mary. Thanks for reading. I am originally from Reading, PA but moved quite a bit as a child. I’m now in Pittsburgh, PA.

      Good advice on the exercise routine. I’m working with a personal trainer twice a week and we always do different exercises. She also stresses that I mix up the cardio, which I do, but I think I really need to increase the intensity.

      I started the week off in the right direction with my exercise and eating so I’m really hoping to see that weight loss on Sunday!

  2. Jen said,

    October 27, 2010 at 5:11 pm

    Well, it’s Wednesday, and I realized my goals aren’t going to come true this week. I have a big report deadline looming and can find so many ways to procrastinate-including commenting here 🙂 Also, physically and mentally, I am totally drained.

    I went to yoga last night and it was a great challenging class. My balance wasn’t totally with me, but I was happy with my shoulder stand and a few other poses. Anyway, I expected to be a bit sore today. Woke up thinking–wow, yoga must have been more of a workout than I thought–turns out, maybe it was, but also, I think I am getting sick. Boo! Sore throat and achy body. Who has time to be sick? Guess I have to make time for that this week. Don’t want to be feeling like this any longer than I have to.

    So, changing my goals from 2x yoga class and 3x workout @ home to 1x yoga class and as much rest as I can. Monday, my report is due and I have a massage scheduled. I started last week–am on the frequent flyers plan now, I think–the massage therapist told me I have some of the tightest shoulders she’s ever worked on. Not something I am proud of. So, I will go back and work on reducing that stress–a big, BIG goal of mine.

    Hope you are doing well with your goals. I am going to bed!

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